Pour toute question et pour signaler un évènement ou une action :
Pour signaler une situation de violence :
Pour les personnels :
Les messages envoyés sont reçus par les membres de la cellule d'écoute :
- Caroline Trotot, Vice-présidente égalité ;
- Olivier Brossard, Vice-président égalité adjoint ;
- Maëva Ballon, cheffe de projets égalité ;
- Daniela Lopez, chargée de mission égalité et lutte contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles et les discriminations ;
- Nathalie Marillier, directrice générale déléguée aux ressources humaines ;
- Perrine Watremez, directrice générale déléguée adjointe aux ressources humaines (campus de Marne-la-Vallée) ;
- Laure Matignier, directrice générale déléguée adjointe aux ressources humaines (campus de Lyon).
Pour les étudiant·es :
Les messages envoyés sont reçus par les membres de la cellule d'écoute :
- Caroline Trotot, Vice-présidente égalité ;
- Olivier Brossard, Vice-président adjoint égalité ;
- Maëva Ballon, cheffe de projets égalité ;
- Daniela Lopez, chargée de mission égalité et lutte contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles et les discriminations ;
- Amélie Douzil, responsable du service de la vie étudiante ;
- Romain Gerland, chargé de mission vie étudiante.
Avec l'accord de la victime, le dossier de signalement est envoyé aux membres de la cellule de traitement :
- le Président de l'Université ;
- le directeur général délégué aux affaires juridiques et institutionnelles ;
- la Vice-Présidente Égalité ;
- le Vice-Président adjoint Égalité.
La cellule de traitement se réunit au moins une fois par mois.
Pour communiquer avec Lilabot, le chatbot de l'Observatoire Etudiant des Violences Sexuelles et Sexistes dans l'Enseignement Supérieur :
Numéro national de référence pour les femmes victimes de violences (conjugales, sexuelles, psychologiques, mariages forcés, mutilations sexuelles, harcèlement...) : 3919 Violence Femmes Info
Si vous êtes étudiant·e et que vous vivez des situations de mal-être, de violence ou de discrimination, contactez la Cnaé, dispositif d'écoute, d'accompagnement et de signalement :
- 0 800 737 800 : gratuit et confidentiel (de 10h à 21h en semaine, de 10h à 14h le samedi) ;
Reporting system
Sexism is defined as any behaviour related to a person’s sex, “with the purpose or effect of undermining their dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.” (Le Pors Law)
In practice, gender-based and sexual violence can appear in various forms:
Firstly, it can be expressed verbally or in writing:
- Repeated, intrusive requests or remarks of a sexual nature (repeated questions about your private life or sexual practices)
- Misogynist jokes, comments or teasing
- Comments on physical appearance, clothes, sexual orientation or identity, etc.
- For example, insults tagged in the toilets or phone number shared online on social media.
It also can be non-verbal:
- Persistent, even threatening looks
- Sighs or other noises
It can also take the form of images or photos:
- Edited photos
- Photos taken on-the-go without the subject’s consent
- Sharing pornographic images during class
Lastly, this violence can be physical, including:
- Flashing (a person showing their genitalia)
- Inappropriate gestures or touching (hands on buttocks, breasts, hips, thighs, etc.)
- Rape (any form of oral, anal or vaginal penetration)
This behaviour is punishable by law.
Gender-based and sexual violence may occur:
- In all spaces of university life, during class, oral assessments or exams, while preparing a group presentation, or any other learning or teaching activity at the establishment.
- During university trips, internships or study tours organised by the establishment
- At university parties, orientation nights, or end-of-year celebrations
- During sporting or association activities
- In all spaces of university life: classrooms, hallways, toilets, library, social spaces, gym, canteen, offices of professors or staff, student residences
- But also online, via email or on social media.
1. Listen, without judging
The first thing to do is to hear the victim’s testimony in a space where the person feels safe, showing them kindness. It is important for them to be able to talk about their experience and be heard. The most important is to let the person talk, to let them find their voice.
Do not:
- Minimise, cast doubt or deny what happened or how the victim feels: “that’s surprising”, “are you sure?”, “you probably misunderstood”
- Give any kind of judgement: “you didn’t react very well” or “you should have...”
- Remember that at this point, it’s not the time to give instructions but to listen.
- Delay or do nothing: the risk is that the person will lose trust in your unit, laboratory or institution as a whole. Therefore, after hearing the testimony, it is important to act.
2. Guide the person:
Advise them to contact the establishment’s Gender Equality Mission:
Addresses: for the establishment’s staff.
Messages sent to this address are received by:
Caroline Trotot, Vice-President for Equality;
Olivier Brossard, Deputy Vice-President for Equality;
Maëva Ballon, equality project manager;
Daniela Lopez, project officer for equality and the fight against gender-based and sexual violence and discrimination;
Nathalie Marillier, Director General in charge of Human Resources;
Perrine Watremez, Deputy Director General in charge of Human Resources (Marne-la-Vallée campus);
Laure Matignier, Deputy Director General in charge of Human Resources (Lyon campus). for the establishment’s students.
Messages sent to this address are received by:
Caroline Trotot, Vice President Equality ;
Olivier Brossard, Deputy Vice-President for Equality;
Maëva Ballon, equality project manager;
Daniela Lopez, project officer for equality and the fight against gender-based and sexual violence and discrimination;
Amélie Douzil, head of the student life service;
Romain Gerland, student life project manager.
Contact the Gender Equality Mission yourself:
As a reminder, anyone holding a position in the establishment who hears accusations of sexual violence is required to seek help and report the situation, for protective purposes.
“Every constituted authority, every public officer or civil servant who, in the performance of their duties, has gained knowledge of the existence of a felony or of a misdemeanour is obliged to notify forthwith the prosecutor.” (Article 40 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure)
Anybody can contact the Gender Equality Mission directly.
Email addresses guaranteeing confidentiality and traceability:
For the staff of the establishment :
The cell for the reports from staff is composed of :
- Caroline Trotot, Vice-President for Equality
- Olivier Brossard, Deputy Vice-President for Equality
- Maëva Ballon, equality project manager
- Daniela Lopez, project officer for equality and the fight against gender-based and sexual violence and discrimination;
- Nathalie Marillier, Director General in charge of Human Resources
- Perrine Watremez, Deputy Director General in charge of Human Resources (Marne-la-Vallée campus)
- Laure Matignier, Deputy Director General in charge of Human Resources (Lyon campus).
For the students of the establishment :
The cell for reports from the student public is composed of :
- Caroline Trotot, Vice President Equality ;
- Olivier Brossard, Deputy Vice-President for Equality;
- Maëva Ballon, equality project manager;
- Daniela Lopez, project officer for equality and the fight against gender-based and sexual violence and discrimination;
- Amélie Douzil, head of the student life service;
- Romain Gerland, student life project manager.
Exchanges with the Gender Equality Mission are confidential, unless the victim decides otherwise.
Another external resource:
1. Receive, hear and support witnesses and victims. (provide information, point them towards the establishment’s resources, psychologist, etc.)
2. Draw up a statement and have it approved by the person who made the report
3. Issue recommendations
4. Bring together the presidency, the legal department and the medico-psycho-social departments if necessary (both the HRD and the Student Life and Training vice-presidencies receive reports and are therefore present as well), to arbitrate on the next steps that the establishment may choose to take (protective measures, reporting to the prosecutor, inquiry, contacting potentially relevant disciplinary bodies).